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The Playlist is a poem that says something about the human condition in 4 minutes.

This poem celebrates that time of year when dogs regain the freedom of the beech from the tourists.

The poem is taken from my latest book 
Talk to the Paw published by Whisky & Beards available on line via the following link

In 2021 I was commissioned by Canterbury Cathedral to write and perform the story of The Black Prince, written from the point of view of his wife Joan.
Click on the link below to see the video.

Film commissioned by Rough Cut Collective and The Marlowe in which they asked me to write and perform a poem relating to the heritage of The Marlowe Kit, Canterbury's historic poor priest's hospital.

This poem is very poignant for me. Although it celebrates that wonderful one sided, complex relationship we share with our dogs, it was made with my elderly dog Fidget who died a few months after this film was recorded.

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